How crypto assets and web 3.0 are gaining momentum in the digital asset economy

Sept. 2, 2022

Venture capitalist and investors are pouring their money into Web 3.0 technologies, and it surely is to set a cornerstone in digital realms with its new tech miracles. The decentralized form of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain would be enhanced and revolutionized with the onset and development of Web 3.0 in everyday aspects of life. The evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to web 3.0 has been quite rapid, and it would be wrong to say that we had foreseen this future from the beginning. From read-only syntactic web to interactive read and write social web to semantic web, the evolution within 2 decades has been quite prolific. In the coming years, we are sure to see unprecedented opportunities through the creation of Web 3.0 crypto digital assets. Blockchain investment might be at its nascent stage, but it won't be long before the early investors would be reaping the fruits of their smart investment.

Through this blog, we will enhance our understanding of Web 3.0 crypto and how these decentralized agents are driving the digital asset economy.

Web 3.0 Explained

This third-generation Internet processes the information in a smart human way, and at the core of it lies decentralization. Unlike the Internet technologies existent today, web 3.0 don't store the data in central repositories, but instead, the data is interconnected in a decentralized way. If we are to offer a synopsis in a line, Web 3.0 is headed by the two cornerstones; Web semantics and Artificial Intelligence. The technologies of Machine Learning, Big Data and Decentralized Ledger technology enable the evolution of Web 3.0, and we are sure to see a lot in coming years.

This futuristic version of the Internet has already started replacing elements of Web 2.0 and is no longer an alien concept. Web 3.0 is based on a public blockchain, the same record-keeping system that facilitates the crypto transaction. DeFi better known as decentralized finance will be at the center of Web 3.0 technologies. It's making the execution of financial transactions possible on blockchain and removes the middleman like Banks and Governments from the equation. The services by institutions will be rewarded highly for establishing a secure and stable decentralized network to be relied upon.

Web 3.0 will empower individuals to own and govern the sections of the Internet through the creation of digital assets cryptocurrency. With Web 3.0 we are to see more authority over the content an individual chooses to access all while ensuring the better protection of their privacy.

Web 3.0 Crypto

The major chunk of Web 3.0 protocols relies on Cryptocurrencies. Anyone who wishes to create, regulate or contribute to projects over the web can be part of digital assets cryptocurrency. They receive monetary incentives in form of tokens, also known as web 3.0 crypto. Web 3.0 tokens are generated by offering online services that were formerly provided by cloud providers. These tokens are the prominent aspect that helps in achieving the vision of decentralized Internet. Further, NFTs and other blockchain entities would heavily influence Web 3.0 technologies.

The secure and transparent establishment of the web environment allows a myriad of possibilities for fidelity digital assets. The prominent Web 3.0 cryptos like Helium, Livestream, chainlink, Flux, Theta, Filecoin and others are the real representation of crypto-assets and their unimagined potential. Helium offers crypto tokens to businesses and Individuals who supply wireless data and device data through blockchain. Similarly, chainlink offers incentives for the creation of smart contracts using real-world data. Moreover, you can earn simply by renting out the additional space on your hard drive with a Filecoin crypto token. With Web 3.0 Crypto, people could make a passive income by offering space on their drive, through video streaming services and various other ways by making the thorough use of their digital assets. These web 3.0 crypto assets just prove how easy it is for an individual to be part of the growing momentum change. Reddit is the prime example of how companies are evolving with Web 3.0. By employing cryptocurrencies, Reddit allows users to control the pieces of communities they participate in.

Web 3.0 removes the needless intermediaries from between and offers the web security and privacy of optimal level. This will make executing Decentralized Finance technologies a lot easier in a market that is ruled by centralized data.

Web 3.0 will bring digital transformation to our everyday lives. This decentralized technology will open avenues of opportunities for digital assets cryptocurrency. We can already see how NFTs have given a boost to creators by enabling them to create and monetize their unique digital assets. The opportunities are simply endless when Web 3.0 technologies, blockchain and cryptocurrency become interoperable and seamlessly integrated.


The future for Digital assets in this thriving economy

Web 3.0 will make the Internet an inseparable part of our lives. The Universal application of digital assets will make every aspect of our life convenient. The move from web 2.0 to web 3.0 might be unnoticeable to most, but it surely has happened. The decentralized back end of Web 3.0 opens an array of futuristic possibilities from powering micro transactions to a revolving change in the ways a company operates.

The Global crypto market is thriving. With a 1.5 trillion USD market cap, It is expected to grow up to a market cap of 8 trillion USD in the coming years. As future as it may sound, web 3.0 is here. One cannot wait for it to mature, but instead, adapt this new era of the Internet into their businesses and investment plans right away to reap benefits. Countries need to modify their crypto policies and regulatory space to scale up Fidelity's digital assets. Instead of running away from this difficult-to-comprehend concept, one needs to learn and create a feasible environment for such crypto assets to emerge, thrive and prosper. Only a proactive approach is required so that every economy prospers ubiquitously.
